Hey yo, this is my website. Kary Rogers. And not the racecar driver in Canada. Yeah, there is one.
Born in the delta, raised in Hattiesburg, MS. The youngest of two sons born to loving parents. Graduated from Oak Grove High school. Degree in computer science from Mississippi State University. Met a lovely young woman in school. Married her. Work for the uni as a UNIX and network administrator.
After five years out of school and working, decided to use the other side of my brain. I love creating. I’m not good mechanically or a crafty type of person. So I create here, on the internets. It might be a rant or a funny observation or just random silliness. It might a video. With me on the toilet. You never really know.
I also decided to try my hand at acting and performing. It’s all still really new to me but it sure is a lot of fun.
I’m involved with Starkville Community Theatre and co-creator of internet sketch comedy site Good Commitment.
But then I moved to New York. The End.
So what’s with the moniker, Mr. KaryHead? I explained that here. Why Inside? I don’t know, it’s the first thing I came up with, it could change.
About this site
Inside Mr. KaryHead was started as a creative outlet for me. I started a humble Blogger page and it was a lot of fun having people laugh at my silly posts. I spent the better part of a year maintaining a blog with a comedy flavor.
I started thinking about making my own site but didn’t do anything about it for a while. Then a friend told me about a deal dreamhost had going and it was too good to pass up. I registered karyhead.com and started evaluating software options. I settled on wordpress and set about customizing a template and building the site.
A few weeks later karyhead.com was born. I’m loving wordpress and enjoying the continual process of making it my own.