Monthly Archives: April 2006

Funerals in the south

funeral_procession.jpgIf you’re driving in the south and a funeral procession goes by, it’s proper etiquette to pull over out of respect and wait for it to pass. And I really didn’t get it and thought it was annoying until I was in a funeral procession and saw other people doing it for us. It’s really touching.

I mean, these people are going about their busy lives and are probably in a hurry and then they see a line of cars with their headlights on and a big black car at the front. Sometimes there is a police escort if it is an especially important person that has passed or a particularly long procession of cars. So they pull over for a minute or so to honor the dead and show respect to those that are grieving.

My question is this: Does this happen outside of the south? Does this happen in the midwest, the northwest, the east? Anybody know?

Guess who I met?

bevhillb208.gifDonna Douglas AKA Elly May Clampett. She spoke at my church Sunday morning. I didn’t know who she was until about half way through her testimony when she started talking about moving to New York and then going to Hollywood. Then I realized why everyone laughed when the associate pastor made a Beverly Hillbillies joke earlier.

It was pretty cool. She had some interesting stories to tell. Now I haven’t made it to the 10:45am worship service in a while. We do our best to go to Sunday School because we like our class but a lot of the time we leave after that. For some reason I wanted to go to the worship service yesterday. Call it coincidence or call it divine inspiration but a lot of the things she said spoke to me.

In particular she talked about God’s perfect timing and having patience. Now, I’ve been struggling with this a bit. See, I went through high school, college and 5 years of working before I discovered a love of acting and performing. It’s what I think about, my hopes and dreams are now geared towards a life in entertainment. And I keep thinking why why why. Why now? Why not when I was in high school or college so I could have studied and gotten more experience and pursued it right out of school in my early twenties instead of my late twenties (thirty, by the time we leave here)?

I told this to Donna after the service and she said it’s better this way. Now I have a foundation and other important experience to build off of. I’ve gotten some of life under my belt, so to speak. She said God’s timing is perfect and to remember Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Good advice. So I’m gonna just keep doing what I’m doing.

She is a sweet lady, taking as much time as each person needed and talking to them and hugging them.

I wonder what bible verses Anthony Rapp will give me when I talk to him tomorrow? 😉

Anthony Rapp in Starkville

anthony_rapp.jpgIf you are in the area, do not miss Anthony Rapp on Tuesday the 25th. You might remember Rapp from his younger days in Adventures in Babysitting or Dazed and Confused. Of course, he is most well known for originating the role of Mark Cohen in Rent.

He is being brought in by the university honors program. He will be talking about his book, Without You. I just recently read it (thanks Laura). It was a good read and he puts it all out there.

The theatre department gets him during the afternoon for a monologue workshop. I’m taking the afternoon off from work so that I can attend.

I’m pretty excited about the whole thing. I didn’t know the first thing about Rent until the movie came out late last year. I saw it three times. I saw Rent on broadway when I went to NYC over the winter break.

Rapp will be speaking in McComas hall at 7:00pm (I’m pretty sure anyway). Make it if you can.

Second night (follow up to Opening night)

Well. Second night. Night and day for me. Night and day.

Just a few hours after writing the previous entry I went on as Dennis Sanders and IT WAS SO AWESOME. Now, I’m not saying I owned the stage or anything like that. What I’m saying is that as soon as we got on stage, it just felt right.

I didn’t feel like I was generating external appearances to reflect the inner character. I was Dennis and whatever I did was right. I couldn’t make a wrong choice because I was Dennis.

Not that I didn’t stay in the moment and in character 100% of the time but it was such a different feeling than last night and it was great. A real breakthrough, I think.

I don’t know how it came across to the audience but it had to be better than last night. I don’t know why it was different, maybe writing the previous post was cathartic in a way. It just felt so much more comfortable.


Well I hope every performance is this way. We don’t go again until a rehearsal on Monday and a performance on Wednesday.

Opening night

was last night. Overall the show went really well. The audience laughed the whole way through and we received a standing ovation at the end. There were a few bumps along the way but nothing major. We had to get used to waiting for laughter before continuing dialogue and other things like that.

I’m continually amazed at the talent that I’m surrounded by on stage. Everyone has years and in some cases decades of stage and acting experience. Some are trained professionals and some have been active at SCT for over 20 years. They seem to totally own the characters and are just great to watch.

And then there’s me. I stepped on the stage for the first time a little over half a year ago. I’m really happy to have had all the opportunities that I’ve had in that short time. I’ve gotten a good bit of stage experience and learned a lot from my teachers (one is also a cast mate). But I feel like I’m struggling to keep up with the rest of the cast.

Now I’m sure they would all tell you that I’m doing great and I’m silly to feel this way ’cause they’re nice, supportive people and I appreciate all their support. I know I have some natural ability and talent or else I wouldn’t have been cast. But, you see, everything I do and have done in the world of theatre and acting is new, unchartered territory for me. I don’t know how I should feel about my connection to my character at this point. I don’t know how it feels to be completely connected to a part; maybe I’ve been there before but I’m not sure.

It’s weird, but my last show I played a grave robber and I had a hard time during rehearsals finding that character. The closer to the opening of the show, the more confident I became until I felt pretty good about it. In this show, I felt a closer connection to the character starting off but as we’ve gone along, I’ve become less confident on the monologue (the main portion of my speaking in the show is a monologue).

For the other actors out there, does being confident in your choices that they are the right choices become easier? Does it just come with experience and training? I understand that sometimes you can connect with a character quickly and easily and other times not so much. But do you ever get to the point when you can consistently say “I’ve got this nailed?”

With all that said, the director has been great and has let me play with different options and given me feedback on what she thinks. I appreciate her support, I just hate not being able to say “This is the best I can do.”

Ok, that’s my self-conscious rambling for today. I’m generally a self confident person, but this has been on my mind.

It goes up this week

smokemtnWhat do you mean “it?” IT! The show! Sheesh.

We ran the show for the first time last night. We also had our first mini-audience and if their reaction and laughter-reddened faces are any indication let me say that you will not want to miss this show. It will be a HOOT.

The music’s good, the comedy’s good, heck, it’s all good. I like pickles, but by the end of this show I may not anymore. Make your reservations to find out what I mean.

662-323-6855 or email

To reserve a seat, please call the box office at 662-323-6855 and leave your name and phone number, the number of seats you would like to reserve, the performance date you would like to attend, and – if you know – the row and seat numbers you would like. Someone will call you back to confirm your request.

Smoke on the Mountain features the talented cast of Madeline Golden, Kevin Kern, Bruce Lesley, Kary Rogers, Paul Ruff, Krista Vowell and Molly Watkins.

Show dates:

Thursday, April 20
Friday, April 21
Friday, April 28
Saturday, April 29
Sunday, April 30
Tuesday, May 2
Wednesday, May 3
Thursday, May 4
Friday, May 5
Saturday, May 6

From Samuel French:
The year is 1938. It’s Saturday night in Mount Pleasant, NC, and the Reverend Oglethorpe has invited the Sanders Family Singers to provide an upliftin’ evening of singin’ and witnessin’. The audience is invited to pull up a pew and join in the rollicking good time. More than two dozen songs, many of them vintage pop hymns, and hilarious stories from the more or less devout Sanders provide a richly entertaining evening that has audiences clapping, singing, laughing and cheering.

Totally beguiling … foot stomping soul food.“– N.Y. Post.

Wildly funny…. So well written that I found myself laughing, rooting for the family, and singing along and clapping with the rest of the audience.“– Trentonian.

A sophisticated audience went simply wild.“– Philadelphia Daily News.

A charming and funny celebration of Americana.“—N.Y. Times.

A Comedy Tonight!

forum.gifI just got back from watching Theatre MSU’s production of “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum.” And I Had A Ball.

This was most likely the funniest play I’ve ever attended. I know the cast, crew and directors have put an amazing amount of time and sweat into the production and it all paid off tonight.

I know most of the cast as I’ve either been in a show with them or taken a class with them or they’re in Runnin’ With Scissors with me. They are really talented and it was so much fun watching them have a good time on stage.

From Will Cooper’s physical comedy in the lead role as Pseudolus to Gabe Smith’s commedia dell’arte skills as Captain Miles Gloriosus to Scott Brinkley’s sharp comedic timing as Senex, the cast is outstanding.

I knew before I even paid for my ticket and sat in my seat that the show would be good. The director is Kevin P. Kern. I took my first acting class from him. He was the director for the children’s show that I did in the fall, Story Theatre. I’m taking another class from him this semester and I’m doing a show with him at the community theatre. See, I know he got skillz.

The band was good as well. Live music makes everything better, in my opinion.

There are so many jokes, you’ve got to be on your toes to catch them all. You’ll be laughing the whole way through.

If you are in the area, you’ve got tomorrow night the 7th and Saturday night the 8th to catch the show. You won’t be disappointed. Shows start at 7:30pm in McComas Hall and tickets can be bought at the door.

On IRC today…

from #bullylug

ponds: i think im going to die
ph|ber: whats wrong?
ponds: i took the blazin challenge
ph|ber: ?
ponds: buffalo wild wings
ph|ber: ahh
ponds: has 18 different levels of hot sauce
ponds: blazin is the hottest
ph|ber: not no, BUT HELL NO
ponds: the blazin challenge involves eating 12 blazin wings in under 6 minutes with nothing to drink or no blue cheese ranch or celery
ph|ber: did you do it?
ph|ber: that shouldnt be hard.
ph|ber: just chow em down.
ponds: it wasn't really that hard, it's just catching up to me now
Tantalus: death from within
traicovn: You have not heard of my chili apparently./
Tantalus: heheh
traicovn: it is fine going in....
traicovn: I can only imagine the pain that you will feel in a few hours ponds.
cs_weasel: your butt
cs_weasel: hole
cs_weasel: will hurt

cs_weasel speaks words of wisdom.