Dial-uppers Beware

I hope you managed to catch a nappy at work today due to the totally awesome How To Nap At Work instructional video. It comes in at a whopping 11MB, not very dial-up friendly at all.

If there’s anyone out there that’s on dial-up or you just have a slower connection and you’d like to see the video but can’t swing the 11MB download, LET ME KNOW. I can post a smaller one if need be.

And I’ve got another idea for another video, so if you wanna be hip and see teh funnay, you’ll need to tell me if I need to make a smaller version for you bandwidth impaired folks.

Meanwhile, this evening while I was preparing my audition tape, I got a text message that one of the dudes from Runnin’ With Scissors, Matt Albert, was going to do a stand-up set at the local tavern’s open mic night.

So I cruise on over there and run into a couple of old friends and we chat it up. Soon Matt takes the mic and does his set. He’s never done stand-up before AND they’ve never had anyone do stand-up at open mic night before. He got some big laughs and I thought he did great.

I chatted with a couple of people and headed home to try and finish up my tape. As luck would have it, all the takes I did are too long (the maximum time allowed is 60 seconds). The last day to have the audition tape postmarked is, of course, tomorrow. I ain’t gonna cry if I don’t send one in, but I like to send one in. Maybe I’ll get up in the morning and re-do it, edit it, burn it and mail it all by the end of the day. Sha. Yeah, right. We’ll see.

I did exercise today and I ate pretty good except for dinner. I did not eat well this last weekend. It is late and I will not be hitting the gym in the morning. So sue me.

Kisses to all

3 thoughts on “Dial-uppers Beware

  1. Oh, pwn3d!

    Well, I haven’t been running since Monday. My eating hasn’t been the best nor the worst, so I’m just kinda hanging out around 182.5, I think.

    [begin lame excuses] This has been a crappy week as far as work goes (I’m on call) and I haven’t put in the extra effort to get to the gym.
    [/end lame excuses]

    I will start running more outside soon, though, because I need to get used to running in the cold. Fun fun.

    Well thanks for asking, [pouty voice] obviously no one else cares [/pouty voice].

    I hope you are training it up, I expect to see you at the starting line for the Turkey Trot!

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