DragonCon and Parsec Awards

parsec-seal-nominee-1.pngStarkville Media is heading to DragonCon this weekend. The 10th Wonder, Starkville House of El, Tangent and Good Commitment will be in attendance. The 10th Wonder and Good Commitment are finalists in the Parsec awards. I have no idea if this is a big deal or what.

Before Graham and Derek approached James and I about going to hang out and meet fans, I’d never heard of DragonCon. Sometime after that I received an email saying Good Commitment had been nominated for a couple of Parsec podcast awards. First I’d heard of that too. I forgot to submit a sample of our work until about 20 minutes before it was due. Somehow we ended up top 5 finalists in both categories. I know for a fact we have no chance for a win because I checked out the other finalists. If there was a comedy category, we’d have a chance but this is general video podcast stuff. There are other people better at video production than we.

Anyway, it should be a fun time. We’re heading over on Friday and coming back on Monday. If you’re going to be there, leave a comment. I believe we’re planning a get together at some point, I’ll drop you a line with the info.