Tag Archives: late-night-mash

The Late Night Mash

79m.jpgThere’s a new creative community over at the Late Night Mash. It’s hosted by soap star Dan McVicar who has recently taken the vlogosphere by storm.

It’s a pretty cool setup. I created an account a while back and have uploaded a couple things to the site. Dan does a Monday through Friday show.

I recently uploaded the couch song video from this vlog. He used it in the mash today and totally made fun of me and called me names. w00t! It’s awesome!

Update: Dan takes a look back at a month of mashes on the Dec 1st show. I think he was afraid that I was upset due to my not-serious comments above. To the contrary, I had a good laugh at the intro and I was stoked see my little song on the mash. Keep it up Dan!