Most women are Bath and Body Works (BaBW) fans, I think. Once, I was able to sneak a quick look at the Womanhood contract and I think I saw a BaBW clause in there. To me, the scent names are just a little off putting. My wife has something like Coconut Lime Verbena Eggplant. Ok, maybe not the eggplant part, but still. How about Rice Flower and Shea? What exactly is a rice flower and who is Shea? I like to eat rice but do I want to smell it every time I get close to a woman? And do I want my woman to even smell like this Shea person? Maybe Shea doesn’t adhere to the same hygiene standards that I’ve grown accustomed to from my lady. Shea might be this old bag lady who lives in a dark alley and all the other bums call her “Stinky Momma” and all the alley cats are her “children.” *shiver*
Anyway, why not scents for men? My skin gets dry sometimes. While my wife is at BaBW buying her monthly 20 pound supply of moisturizer, she could pick me up some Burning Pine and Hay. You know, something that is manly, but smells nice too. Or maybe I could try the new Sun Dried Leather. While she’s checking out the Sweet Pea, get me some Sweet Tea. I hear the RC Cola and Peanuts is nice also. I could stock up on Wet Grass Tabasco for summer.
Ah well, I guess for now I’ll just keep stealing her Warm Vanilla Splenda, er, I mean Sugar.
Hmmm. Shea is a boulevard here in AZ.