What’s going on with you peeps? Just wanted to drop a note and say that I’m thinking of you. I know I haven’t been around as much as you would like. Or as much as I would like for that matter. Yeah, it’s been busy, but who isn’t busy? When I find free time to play, I’m generally working on the site: playing with plugins and whatnot instead on putting up new content.
My sincerest apologies.
I do have an interview scheduled this weekend with James Comans from the MSU improv comedy troupe. Hopefully I’ll get that edited and posted next week.
My last post about SANDWICHES, I really wanted to write a funny poem but alas, I suck at rhyming.
Ummm, let’s see. I was incredibly productive at work today. No, really. I have let my email inbox languish for about two years. I delete a lot of stuff, but I let a ton of stuff sit and get moldy. I don’t know how many messages I had, I’m pretty sure it was over 3000. Well, I bit the bullet today and cleared it all out. I saved some and deleted a WHOLE lot. Inspiration goes to inboxzero and 43folders.
So tomorrow, is improv practice, Smoke on the Mountain (SotM) rehearsal and sleep.
Friday is improv practice, SotM rehearsal, then I’m gonna try and make a wine and cheese event over at Laura’s.
Saturday is SotM rehearsal and that evening I’ll try and make the MSU choir and Tupelo Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Carmina Burana in Tupelo. If anybody wants to take a road trip to Tupelo Saturday for maybe dinner and the concert, holla back.
This space. I’m looking at an avatar plugin for comments so’s you can have a pic next to your comment (not that there’s been many THOSE of late). The two options are grabbing your favicon from your URL (if you include your URL when you leave a comment) or using gravatar. I really like the gravatar (globally recognized avatar) option. The problem is after you upload an avatar, they have to rate it (using a MPAA style system) before it can be used and they are pretty slow about rating your avatar. It took about a week for mine to get rated. Then any site or forum on the internet that is gravatar compatible can pull your avatar. It is keyed on your email address, so you’d have to include your email address in the appropiate field when you leave a comment.
I’ve rambled on enough for now. I’ll check you later.
Is this thing working? Hello out there? Kary, if this is working I just wanted to suggest you use some of your free time to study your lines – not the plugins! Love ya!
Word to your collective mothers, yo! This is Whitey McWhiteykins givin a shout out to my homies back on the Eastside (of Mississippi) and reminding you that Pattye is wack…nick-knack PATTYE-WACK!!! Pattye just be frontin’ you ain’t gots to study no lines cause SHE OUTTA TOWN! That’s right homies, we be chillin in Tunica for a technology conference. We’ll be hollerin back at cha live and in living color Friday….FOR SHIZZLE!!!
What? She’s out of town you say, Whitey? Well dang, I might just skip rehearsal tonight then.
Anyways, I’ve just about got my lines down, so I got lots of time for plugging it in. woowoo.
You kids have fun in Tunica. Try and attend at least one talk or session or whatever in between gambling and drinking (assuming you’re at the casino).
Peace out, yo.
And you know what really grinds my gears?
When I can’t find the droids I’m looking for.
I feel bad. I have neglected your blog for WEEKS!
You sound busy (too busy to keep up with a realistic diet or excercise plan).
Eat a sandwhich instead. Today I eat Peanut Butter and Banana (keep that mayo to yo’ self).
It’s ok, you haven’t missed much.
I’m starting on my 3rd week at the gym and eating better. I’m still not skinny yet! What’s the hold up?
I gots ham today.
Ohhh. I was bad today. I ate a Patty Melt at Big River in downtown Nashville.
A steak Patty Melt on Marbled Rye.
drooooool :p
You used to play disc golf in your spare time blimpie. Maybe thats the problem.