Tag Archives: tv

Arrested Development

season-1-dvd-cover.jpgI just finished the last episode of Arrested Development. Thanks to Jesse Thorn for a tip over at MaximumFun.org, I caught a one day special on amazon and got all three seasons for $30.

I really enjoyed it. The characters had such distinct voices and the actors were so consistent in bringing those voices to the audience. The call back jokes, sometimes reaching back a few episodes or more, were always a delight. The re-occurring chicken dances were superb. The family was just so horrible for the most part yet you found yourself pulling for them anyway.

If the rumors of a Arrested Development movie are true, I will be thrilled. Do yourself a favor and buy, NetFlix, or borrow the DVD sets and enjoy.

Can I just say…

jack_bauer-badass.jpg…how hardcore the show 24 is? I’m late getting on the 24 wagon, I know, but Great Salted Butter Nuts!

We started with Season 1 and are about 6 hours away from finishing Season 3. Season 3 is the most hardcore yet. I won’t say anything in case someone hasn’t seen it but plans to, but…just…damn!

I really think 24 has changed how far other shows are willing to go with their stories now. I felt the most recent Heroes episode had some 24-style hardcoreness in it. We’ve come along way from The A-Team where no matter how far the bad guys’ car falls off the cliff, they always crawl out just before it explodes.

We hope to get caught by up the time season 7 airs, I think we can even though we’ve got a lot left to watch. No spoilers please!

P.S. I googled for a Jack Bauer pic and found one very similar to the one I created, but they had it marked “private” on flickr so I respected their wishes and didn’t steal it. I just borrowed the idea.