Resumé Advice

So I’m updating my resumé which I haven’t done in years. Anybody have some good tips or resources? I will ask google as well, but if anybody is in a position that they hire people and sort through resumés in their job, please offer some advice. Or if you’ve had good results doing a certain thing, please leave a comment.

4 thoughts on “Resumé Advice

  1. Hey Kerryhead, good luck on updating your resume. I’ve found that if your cover letter includes some of the things they’re asking for in that position, it works out a bit better for them to want a interview. Also, a professional resume writer told me to not just have a laundry list of accomplishments, but what that accomplishment did for the company I was working for.
    * Implemented new software release saving X over 30k per annum

  2. I personally think 2 pages max. You can have extra stuff, references, etc available on request though. Actually I think it works well for every job if you just put your reference POC out beside it. That way there is no separate reference page.
    Remember, you are just trying to get an interview, not give an interview.
    I will email you Tonya’s and myself’s last ones for reference.

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