Tag Archives: mississippi

Why I Moved to New York

Yes, it’s true that I moved from Mississippi to New York City. It’s true that I started a great new job in Manhattan and that I live in a cool neighborhood in Brooklyn. And it’s true that I now live in a part of the country that utilizes all four seasons and not just summer.


That’s not the entire truth. I haven’t told you why I moved. Or rather, why I had to move.

See, Mississippi has the honor of being the fattest state in the nation and is currently trying to improve its image. To that end it is trying a two-pronged approach. One: there is a expansive movement to educate and motivate people to eat right and exercise. An example of this is the Let’s Go Walkin’ Mississippi campaign. If you live in Mississippi, you can’t help but be inundated with TV and radio ads touting the benefits of walking. But, there is a lesser-known, second approach to improving Mississippi’s standing in the health statistics.

If you’re over a certain BMI, your name goes into a lottery drawing. Once a month they draw a certain number of names and these names have 6 months to move to a state with a lower obesity rate. The thought behind this is that Mississippi’s numbers are instantly improved and the other state’s numbers are worsened in one fell swoop.

Pretty shrewd, ain’t it?

Well, my name came up so I’m doing my part to make Mississippi healthier and pull New York down. Now you know. Which is totally half the battle.

Good Commitment Wins Award at the Magnolia Film Festival

I just posted this over on the Good Commitment blog


I’m proud to announce that the The Peripook took home the Best Home Grown award at the 2008 Magnolia Independent Film Festival. This award is given to the film the judges deem as best among the ones submitted by Mississippi filmmakers. Good Commitment is honored and excited to receive this award as there were some fantastic entries by other Mississippi filmmakers.

Magnolia Film Festival

Mississippians With Modems

This our new video over at Good Commitment. I’ll try not to post every video here so make sure you bookmark it and check it out at least once a week. If you have an RSS media aggregator like Democracy or Fireant, subscribe via the links on that page.

Kary Lee and Jamie Ray discover the Internet. They decide to put one of them funny videos “on the line.” After a six pack or two, they come up with an idea, but not everything goes according to plan.

Hurricane Katrina and My Family

This is my first serious vlog.

I recently talked to my family about their experience with Hurricane Katrina that hit over a year ago. I’ve included some footage my dad shot during and after the storm. I tried to keep it short but it’s still quite a bit longer than my usual videos. There was much that I didn’t include such as my brother trying to get home to see if his family was alright but he was unable to make it for over a day.

I don’t think it turned out that great but maybe I’ll get better at the non-comedy stuff. Rest assured, the funny will return soon.

Go Go Gadget Internet

Hay everybody, well this probably only goes out to fellow Mississippians, and not that I don’t love everybody ’cause I do, especially you, yeah you know who you are. Here’s a question.

What towns in Mississippi have town squares? I have a partial list. The ones with question marks, I’m not sure about so if you could confirm or deny, that’d be awesome. Please leave your knowledge in the comments.

I’ll be back this week with more video goodness (I hope).

  • Oxford
  • Hernando
  • Canton
  • Houston
  • Crystal Springs
  • Pontotoc
  • Philadelphia
  • Calhoun City?
  • Water Valley?
  • Holly Springs?