Tag Archives: plugin

Turns out

That the Blogger authentication wouldn’t be terribly useful unless I had people from Blogger who were contributers and this was more of a community based site. But it ain’t. It’s my personal site. So I wrote a bit of code, know how to do php XML-RPC to Blogger and have an idea of how wordpress plugins work. So I don’t feel it was time wasted.

I think I’m going to concentrate on content. I’ve got an About page but I’d like to do more. I added a Jack Handy Deep Thought for the day on the bottom of the sidebar. I’m working on other stuff as well.

As far as posts go, I’m waiting for inspiration to finish my ode to SANDWICHES. Because, come on, SANDWICHES are the best food group evar. And I’m pretty sure you are required to capitalize the entire word or risk being molested by the SANDWICH police.

Yes, they’re real.

Blogger authentication for WordPress

bloggerlogoSince I started out over at Blogger, I’ve got a few readers from over there (hopefully they’ll follow over to the new site). That system was nice because of the built in community. Once you were logged in, you could browse other people’s blogs and leave a comment. Then that person could follow a link back to your profile and check out your blog. I’ve done this exact thing tons of times when someone stumbled upon my blog and was gracious enough to leave a comment. I’ll miss that aspect about Blogger.

To make it a little easier for Bloggers, I’m thinking about writing a plugin so that one could use their Blogger username and password to login and leave comments. Then once you’re logged in, it would already have your email address and URL. Then with cookies, you wouldn’t have to re-login or type your info in everytime you wanted to leave a comment.

Would any of my former Blogger buddies be interested in that functionality? I’ve gotten the XML/RPC authentication code working, which I borrowed heavily from some code from geeklog. I still have to actually work it into WordPress via the plugin hooks.

I still might do it if nobody cares, just for fun.