Frick on a stick

GIS for KatrinaWell we survived the totally bitchy Katrina. M. didn’t feel well so she got a room on campus and slept a lot. I evacuated to some SCT people’s house and we had an impromptu party.

We stayed there for a couple of hours sitting in the carport watching the trees sway. Eventually, since we had lost power, we decided to trek across town to some other SCT people’s house that had power.

A couple hours and one Camry-stuck-in-the-ditch later, we arrived at the new location and proceeded to put on dry clothes. We watched TV, ate and played a game called triple-E (I think). And fended off the yappy dog from our food and drink. It was a cute dog though.

Work and school was cancelled the next day and I went home to check on our single-wide paradise. It was still there. Oh well, there’ll probably be more hurricanes. Maybe next time.

My parents, in Hattiesburg, were pretty shaken up but, amazingly, didn’t have any major damage. Their neighbors lost both of their cars to a tree. Many people had a tree through their house. It took at least an hour to clear the road so that they could get out of the subdivision. No power. No water. Iffy phones. Mom says things are pretty bad.

But that’s nothing compared to the coast and New Orleans.


I really feel for those people. Let’s all say a prayer, send good thoughts and positive monkey mojo to these people. They can use all the help they can get.

New Orleans MetroBlogging

Survivor in New Orleans