Tag Archives: summer

Plans for Summer ’08

are thus:

  • Finish updating resumé and start job hunt
  • Bust it in the gym (and by “it” I mean “my ass”)
  • Hash out next video/comedy project
  • Write up posts on what I learned about producing a web show
  • Learn longform improv
  • Pick up an outdoor recreation for exercise like tennis or ultimate

One Song Glory, Two Song Sublimity

one02.jpgYeah so Monday and Tuesday are auditions for the SCT summer musical. I’m looking forward to getting started, I’m already bored sitting on the couch and tappy tappin’ on the computer and watching TV. I can’t fathom a whole summer of this.

Last year I sang Younger Than Springtime from South Pacific which I hadn’t ever heard before. Twice. ‘Cause I didn’t know that most people sing two different songs, one of each night.

Well this year I got two songs lined up to try out. I’m meeting with my friend D, who helped me find a song last year, on Saturday. So I hope the songs I have picked out will suit me ’cause there won’t be time to find anything else.

I’m slighly worried cause the style of the songs is not what I’m used to doing. They’re more rock and I’ve always considered myself more of a crooner. Also the range is kinda high for me. So we’ll see how it works out on Saturday. Both songs are from RENT.

In other news. There’s been some, kinda big and like wow. I’ll leave it for another day.

Apartment Hunting in the Ham

2030_HA.gifWell yesterday we spent the day looking for an apartment in Birmingham. We didn’t get to bed the night before until about 2:00am. We got up before 7:00am to head out so not much sleep.

Since M was staying in b’ham, we drove separate cars. We dropped her car off at her friend’s house where she is staying for the week and I called several numbers that I found on the internet the night before but none of them did subleases or short term leases.

We drove into town and found UAB. After parking in their parking garage, we checked out the student union for bulletin boards for subleases. We eventually found a studio apt with a short term lease. We checked it out and it was ok.

We drove downtown to see where she would be working and were confused with the north vs south street business but figured it out and found the place.

For lunch we ate at the Mellow Mushroom at 5-points. 5 points is the happening place with cafes and restaurants and what not. We found a rental office close by and went in and talked to them. Turns out I had already called them and they said no short term leases. But going in there and asking face to face produced a different result, they were willing to work with us.

So we checked out a place nearby. It’s called the Richmond and it’s a old, historic building. The apartment was prety cool and M fell in love. We looked at one more apt many blocks away but I think M’s mind was made up. The place is pictured above.

It’s about a half a block away from 5 points so she can walk down to the restaurants and shops. It has a little patio and it’s pretty sweet. I’m excited about going over to visit one weekend and hanging out there.

So I dropped her back off at her friend’s place and I hit the road back to Starkville. I found a good way to stay awake: crank up the OBCR of RENT and sing at the top of my lungs.

It’s official

M got a call yesterday. She’s moving to Birmingham on Monday. FOR THE ENTIRE SUMMER. We’ll at least see each other on weekends, most weekends anyway.

She’s got to find an apartment to live in. Luckily, the first week she’ll stay with a friend as she apartment hunts. I’m going to go over with her on Monday to help look around while she gets familiar with B’ham.

Sooooo. I guess me and James Comans are going to be lovers this summer since his woman is gone for the summer as well. We already asked our respective women and they are ok with it.


Conclusions to the spring

piano.jpgWell, I took my last final today (I only had two, of course). We did a scene from Terra Nova. It went pretty well.

It’s also the end of the school year. All, well, most of the kids will scatter to parts unknown to chill out for a couple of months or get a job or take more classes at a school closer to home.

I’ve met a lot of great people since August of last year. I’ve been in several shows with them. I traveled to NYC with them. I’ve partied with them. I’ve laughed and talked and laughed.

And I’ll miss them.

I’m doubly sad ’cause there’s a really good chance M will be leaving me too. It would be nice if we had a chance for “us” time this summer since the last semester has been so crazy for both of us that we haven’t had much time together. But she’ll probably be interning somewhere. There’s nothing definite yet, but she’s got a couple of leads. She really needs to intern for her career and I support her in that.

But it’s gonna be lonely at home this summer.

Luckily, there’s the summer musical at SCT. I love my SCT peeps. I’m really looking forward to it. Auditions are in a couple of weeks. My first ever stage audition was for the musical last summer. Read about it in part 1 and part 2.

I still can’t believe how much I have learned since then. I’ve had three acting classes from two great teachers. I’ve been in several different kinds of shows. It has been so great. I still don’t know how I didn’t ever start acting/performing sooner.

I was talking to one of my new friends today after the advanced acting final and she couldn’t believe that Story Theatre last November was the first play that I ever did in my life. We didn’t know each other at the time and so it was very self-esteem-boosting to hear that she remembered my performance and thought I was an old-hand and also considering she’s a very good actress herself.

Who knows what the future holds? It’s exciting and I can’t wait.